
  • Nan Xue 40th International Conference on Thermoelectrics (ICT2024)
    The ICT2024 Outstanding Poster Prize
    “First-Principles Study for High Thermoelectric Performance Iron-based Half Heusler Compounds with Thermodynamic and Mechanical Stability”


Invited talks

14th International Conference on Ceramic Materials and Components for Energy and Environmental Systems (CMCEE14) (August 18-22, Budapest)

  • “Laqce defect engineering for high-performance Mg2Sn and Mg2Ge thermoelectric single crystals”
    Kei Hayashi (Invited lecture)

40th International Conference on Thermoelectrics (June 30- July 4, Krakow)

  • “Bond-engineering to Develop High-performance Fe-based Half-Heusler Alloys”
    Yuzuru Miyazaki (Invited lecture)

Europian Materials Research Society 2024 Spring Meeting (May 27-31, Strasbourg)

  • “Fe-based Half Heusler Thermoelectric Materials”
    Yuzuru Miyazaki (Invited lecture)


40th International Conference on Thermoelectrics (June 30- July 4, Krakow)
  • “Enhanced p-type thermoelectric properties of Mg2Ge single crystals via lattice defect engineering”
    K. Hayashi, H. Tajeuchi, Z. Huang, N. S. Chauhan, Q. Zhang, X. Nan, H. Li, J. Pei, J. Dong, B.-P. Zhang, J.-F. Li, Y. Miyazaki (Oral)
  • “Enhancement of Thermoelectric Properties in p-type Iron-based Half-Heusler VFeSb Alloys via Titanium Alloying”
    Z. Huang, K. Hayashi, X. Nan, H. Konishi, Y. Miyazaki (Oral)
  • “First-Principles Study for High Thermoelectric Performance Iron-based Half-Heusler Compounds with Thermodynamic and Mechanical Stability”
    X. Nan, Z. Huang, K. Hayashi, H. Konishi, Y. Miyazaki (Oral)