Author Archives: ymiyalab




  • Nan Xue 40th International Conference on Thermoelectrics (ICT2024)
    The ICT2024 Outstanding Poster Prize
    “First-Principles Study for High Thermoelectric Performance Iron-based Half Heusler Compounds with Thermodynamic and Mechanical Stability”


Invited talks

14th International Conference on Ceramic Materials and Components for Energy and Environmental Systems (CMCEE14) (August 18-22, Budapest)

  • “Laqce defect engineering for high-performance Mg2Sn and Mg2Ge thermoelectric single crystals”
    Kei Hayashi (Invited lecture)

40th International Conference on Thermoelectrics (June 30- July 4, Krakow)

  • “Bond-engineering to Develop High-performance Fe-based Half-Heusler Alloys”
    Yuzuru Miyazaki (Invited lecture)

Europian Materials Research Society 2024 Spring Meeting (May 27-31, Strasbourg)

  • “Fe-based Half Heusler Thermoelectric Materials”
    Yuzuru Miyazaki (Invited lecture)


40th International Conference on Thermoelectrics (June 30- July 4, Krakow)
  • “Enhanced p-type thermoelectric properties of Mg2Ge single crystals via lattice defect engineering”
    K. Hayashi, H. Tajeuchi, Z. Huang, N. S. Chauhan, Q. Zhang, X. Nan, H. Li, J. Pei, J. Dong, B.-P. Zhang, J.-F. Li, Y. Miyazaki (Oral)
  • “Enhancement of Thermoelectric Properties in p-type Iron-based Half-Heusler VFeSb Alloys via Titanium Alloying”
    Z. Huang, K. Hayashi, X. Nan, H. Konishi, Y. Miyazaki (Oral)
  • “First-Principles Study for High Thermoelectric Performance Iron-based Half-Heusler Compounds with Thermodynamic and Mechanical Stability”
    X. Nan, Z. Huang, K. Hayashi, H. Konishi, Y. Miyazaki (Oral)

Archive to 29 February, 2024

Archive to29 February, 2024

  • A paper has been published in Advanced Functional Materials. (February, 2024)
  • A paper has been published in ACS Applied Energy Materials. (February, 2024)
  • A paper has been published in Journal of Materiomics. (January, 2024)
  • A paper has been published in Advanced Materials. (January, 2024)
  • Update the Activities page.(December, 2023)
  • A paper has been published in ACS Applied Energy Materials. (December, 2023)
  • Update the Activities page. (November, 2023)
  • A paper has been published in Chemical Physics Reviews. (October, 2023)
  • A paper has been published in Journal of Materials Chemistry A. (October, 2023)
  • Update the People page. (October, 2023)
  • Gakuto KANNO, M1 degree of Miyazaki lab., won the Award for Outstanding Poster Presentation.(September, 2023)
  • A paper has been published in Journal of Materials Chemistry A. (September, 2023)
  • A paper has been published in Journal of Materials Chemistry A. (September, 2023)
  • The introduction video of Miyazaki laboratory has been updated. (July, 2023)
  • Prof. Miyazaki has been elected one of the Board Member of the International Thermoelectric Society (ITS). (June, 2023)
  • Master’s degree students will join the poster session of ECT2023. (June, 2023)
  • Update the People page. (January, 2022)
  • Update the Activities page. (December, 2021)
  • Update the People page.(November, 2021)
  • New article were published in ACS Applied Energy Materials. (October, 2021)
  • Update the People page. (October, 2021)
  • Update the Activities page. (September, 2021)
  • A paper has been published in Acta Materialia. (May, 2021)
  • A paper has been published in Acta Crystallographica section B. (May, 2021)
  • A paper has been published in ACS Applied Energy Materials. (May, 2021)
  • Update the People page. (April, 2021)
  • A paper has been published in Materials Today Energy. (March, 2021)
  • Update the People page. (April, 2021)
  • A paper has been published in Chemistry of Materials. (March, 2021)
  • Update the People page. (March, 2021)
  • A book chapter has been published in Thermoelectric Energy Conversion. (January, 2021)
  • A paper has been published in Advanced Functional Materials. (January, 2021)
  • A paper has been published in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. (December, 2020)
  • A paper has been published in Journal of Materiomics. (December, 2020)
  • A paper has been published in Journal of Alloys and Compounds. (December, 2020)
  • A paper has been published in Journal of Materials Chemistry C. (December, 2020)
  • Update the People page. (November, 2020)
  • Update the Activities page. (October, 2020)
  • Update the Research page. (October, 2020)
  • Update the Activities page. (July, 2020)
  • Update the Activities page. (July, 2020)
  • Update the Activities page. (June, 2020)
  • Update the Activities page. (June, 2020)
  • Update the Activities page. (June, 2020)
  • Update the Activities page. (May, 2020)
  • Update the Activities page. (April, 2020)
  • Update the People page. (April, 2020)
  • Update the Activities page. (March, 2020)
  • Update the Activities page. (March, 2020)
  • Update the Activities page. (February, 2020)
  • Update the Activities page. (November, 2019)
  • Update the People page. (October, 2019)
  • Update the Activities page. (August, 2019)
  • Update the Activities page. (July, 2019)
  • Update the Activities page. (July, 2019)
  • Update the Activities page. (July, 2019)
  • Update the Activities page. (May, 2019)
  • Update the People page. (April, 2019)
  • Update the Activities page. (March, 2019)
  • Update the Activities page. (November, 2018)
  • Update the People page. (October, 2018)
  • Update the Activities page. (August, 2018)
  • Update the Activities page. (August, 2018)
  • Update the Activities page. (July, 2018)
  • Update the Activities page. (July, 2018)
  • Update the Activities page. (June, 2018)
  • Update the Activities page. (June, 2018)
  • Update the Activities page. (June, 2018)
  • Update the People page. (April, 2018)
  • Update the Activities page. (April, 2018)
  • Update the Activities page. (March, 2018)
  • Update the Activities page. (March, 2018)
  • Update the Activities page. (March, 2018)
  • Update the Activities page. (February, 2018)
  • Update the Activities page. (January, 2018)
  • Update the People page. (October, 2017)
  • Update the Activities page. (September, 2017)
  • Update the People page. (August, 2017)
  • Update the People page. (July, 2017)
  • Update the Activities page. (May, 2017)
  • Update the Activities page. (May, 2017)
  • Update the Activities page. (May, 2017)
  • Update the People page. (April, 2017)
  • Update the Activities page. (February, 2017)
  • Update the Activities page. (December, 2016)
  • Update the People page. (November, 2016)
  • Update the Activities page. (November, 2016)
  • Update the Activities page. (October, 2016)
  • Update the Activities page. (October, 2016)
  • Update the People page. (October, 2016)
  • Update the Activities page. (September, 2016)
  • Update the Activities page. (August, 2016)
  • Update the Activities page. (August, 2016)
  • Update the Activities page. (August, 2016)
  • Update the Activities page. (June, 2016)
  • Update the Activities page. (June, 2016)
  • Update the Activities page. (June, 2016)
  • Update the Activities page. (May, 2016)
  • Update the Activities page. (April, 2016)
  • Update the People page. (April, 2016)
  • Update the Activities page. (February, 2016)
  • Update the Activities page. (February, 2016)
  • Update the Activities page. (February, 2016)
  • Update the Activities page. (November, 2015)
  • Update the Activities page. (November, 2015)
  • Update the People page. (November, 2015)
  • Update the Activities page. (October, 2015)
  • Update the People page. (October, 2015)
  • Update the Activities page. (September, 2015)
  • Update the People page. (August, 2015)
  • Update the People page. (July, 2015)
  • Shuma Naito gets the Poster Award in 34th Annual International Conference on Thermoelectrics 2015. (July, 2015)
  • Update the People page. (July, 2015)
  • Update the People page. (July, 2015)
  • Update the People page. (June, 2015)
  • Update the Activities page. (June, 2015)
  • Update the Activities page. (June, 2015)
  • Update the People page. (April, 2015)
  • Update the People page. (December, 2014)
  • Update the Link page. (November, 2014)
  • Update the Contact page. (October, 2014)
  • Update the Activities page. (October, 2014)
  • Update the Activities page. (September, 2014)
  • Update the People page. (September, 2014)
  • Update the Activities page. (August, 2014)
  • Update the Activities page. (July, 2014)
  • Update the Activities page. (July, 2014)
  • Update the People page. (June, 2014)
  • Update the Activities page. (June, 2014)
  • Update the Research page. (May, 2014)
  • Update the Activities page. (April, 2014)
  • Update the Research page. (April, 2014)
  • Update the People page. (April, 2014)
  • Update the Activities page. (March, 2014)
  • New articles were published in Journal of Electronic Materials. (October, 2013)
  • Masataka Kubouchi gets the Poster Award in Tohoku University’s Chemistry Summer School 2013. (September, 2013)
  • New Web page created. (September, 2013)





Invited talks

The 15th Pacific Rim Conference of Ceramic Societies (PACRIM15) & The 13th Int’l Conference on High-Performance Ceramics (CICC-13) (5-9 Nobember 2023, Shenzhen)
  • “Lattice Defect Engineering to Develop Highly-efficient Thermoelectric Single Crystals”
    Kei Hayashi (Invited lecturer)
International Workshop Thermoelectric Materials: from materials chemistry and physics to devices (IWT2023)(April 12-14, 2023, Caen)
  • Incommensurate Nowotny Chimney-ladder Phases – Potential Thermoelectric Materials
    Y. Miyazaki, N. S. Chauhan, T. Kurosawa, and K. Hayashi (Invited lecture)
8th Annual Conference of Analytix-2023 (17-19 May 2023, Osaka)
  • “Superspace Approach to the Incommensurate Crystal Structure of Higher Manganese Silicide-Based Thermoelectric Materials”
    Y. Miyazaki (Invited lecture)


The 15th Pacific Rim Conference of Ceramic Societies (PACRIM15) & The 13th Int’l Conference on High-Performance Ceramics (CICC-13) (5-9 Nobember 2023, Shenzhen)
  • “Enhancing Thermoelectric Properties of P-type Mg2Sn Single Crystals through Li/Si Co-Doping and Introduction of Lattice Defects”
    Z. Huang, K. Hayashi, Y. Miyazaki (Oral)
  • “High Temperature X-ray Diffraction Study on Incommensurate Composite Crystal (Mn, Fe, V)Siγ
    T. Chiba, K. Hayashi, Y. Miyazaki (Oral)
The 19th European Conference on Thermoelectrics (ECT2023) (17-21 September 2023, Prague)
  • “Single‐phase synthesis and thermoelectric properties of nowotny chimney‐ladder FeGeγ
    T. Kurosawa, K. Hayashi, Y. Miyazaki (Poster)
  • “Preparation and thermoelectric properties of nonstoichiometric full‐Heusler Mn2+xV1-xAl alloys”
    G. Kanno, K. Hayashi, Z. Huang, H. Li, Y. Miyazaki (Poster)
  • “Analysis of crystal structure and Thermoelectric properties of Sr‐substituted [Ca2CoO3]pCoO2
    Y. Shimizu, K. Hayashi, Y. Miyazaki (Oral)
The 39th Annual International Conference on Thermoelectrics (ICT2023) (21-25 June 2023, Seatle)
  • Advancing the thermoelectric performance of single crystals: a case study of p-type Mg2Sn through lattice defect engineering”
    K. Hayashi, Z. Huang, W. Saito, J. Pei, J.F. Li, Y. Miyazaki (Oral)
  • “Boron doping in n-type and p-type Mg2Sn on the generation of lattice defects leading to improved thermoelectric properties”
    Z. Huang, K. Hayashi, W. Saito, H. Takeuchi, Y. Miyazaki (Oral)


  • “Development of P-type Mg2Sn Single Crystals with Multi-Scale Lattice Defects for Thermoelectric Application”





Invited talks

SIPS2022 Mizutani International Symposium (27-30 November 2022, Phuket)
  • “Higher Manganese Silicides: Incommensurability and Thermoelectric Properties”
    Yuzuru Miyazaki (Invited lecture)


33rd International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference (PVSEC-33) (13-17 November 2022, Nagoya)
  • “Carrier density control of CrSi2 partially substituted with Mn”
    K. Tasaki, K. Hayashi, and Y. Miyazaki (Poster)
  • “Preparation of (Mn, Fe, V)Siγ Single Crystals for Infrared Absorption Optoelectronics”
    T. Chiba, K. Hayashi, and Y. Miyazaki (Poster)
18th European Conference on Thermoelectrics (ECT’22) (14-16 Septemper 2022, Barcelona)
  • “Reduction of Thermal Conductivity of Mg2Sn Single Crystal via Lattice-Defect Engineering through Chemical-Pressure Control”
    K. Hayashi, W. Saito, Z. Huang, K. Sugimoto, K. Ohoyama, N. Happo, M. Harada, K. Oikawa, Y. Inamura, K. Hayashi, T. Miyazaki, and Y. Miyazaki (Oral)
  • “Realising enhanced thermoelectric performance in partially substituted higher manganese silicides crystals”
    N. S. Chauhan, I. Ono, K. Hayashi, and Y. Miyazaki (Oral)
  • “Point Defects and Thermoelectric Properties of Melt‐grown Mg2Ge Single Crystals”
    H. Takeuchi, Z. Huang, K. Hayashi, and Y. Miyazaki (Poster)
The 6th Asia-Pacific Conference on Semiconducting Silicides and Related Materials, 2022 (APAC-Silicide 2022) (30 July – 1 August 2022, Online)
  • “Partially compensated (Ru, V) co-doped higher manganese silicide single crystals”
    N. S. Chauhan, I. Ono, K. Hayashi, and Y. Miyazaki (Oral)
Virtual Conference on Thermoelectrics 2022 (VCT 202) (20-22 July 2022, Online)
  • “Preparation and High-Temperature Thermoelectric Properties of Textured Cobaltate Ceramics”
    Y. Shimizu, K. Hayashi, and Y. Miyazaki (Poster)


  • “Development of P-type Mg2Sn Single Crystals with Multi-Scale Lattice Defects for Thermoelectric Application”




Invited talks

Materials Research Meeting 2021 (MRM2021) (13-16 December 2021, Yokohama)
  • “Crystal Structure and Thermoelectric Properties of Incommensurate Composite Crystal MnSiγ (γ~1.7)”
    Y. Miyazaki, Hiroki Nagai, Haruki Hamada, Yuta Kikuchi, Kei Hayashi (Invited lecture)
1st Japan France Virtual Workshop on thermoelectrics (VWT2021) (27-30 September 2021, online)
  • “Point defect engineering enhances thermoelectric performance of Mg2Si and Mg2Sn single crystals,”
    K. Hayashi (Invited lecture)


Materials Research Meeting 2021 (MRM2021) (13-16 December 2021, Yokohama)
  • “Crystal structure, microstructure and thermoelectric properties of melt-grown β-Zn4Sb3
    K. Hayashi, S. Yoshioka, T. Chiba, Y. Miyazaki (Oral)


  • “Crystal Structure, Electric Structure, and Thermoelectric Properties of Half-Heusler VFeSb-Based Compounds”
  • “Electronic Structure and Thermoelectric Properties of P-type Full-Heusler Alloys”






Invited talks

The 5th Asian Conference on Thermoelectrics (ACT5) &The 6th Southeast Asia Conference on Thermoelectrics (SACT6) (17, 18 December 2020, online)
  • “Understanding Detailed Crystal Structures for Improving Thermoelectric Properties of Silicide-based Materials”
    Y. Miyazaki, H. Nagai, H. Nkasawa, W. Saito, M. Kubouchi, T. Takamatsu and K. Hayashi (Invited lecture)


The 5th Asian Conference on Thermoelectrics (ACT5) &The 6th Southeast Asia Conference on Thermoelectrics (SACT6) (17 December 2020, online)
  • “Local Structure and Thermoelectric Properties of Boron-Doped Mg2Si and Mg2Sn Single Crystals”
    K. Hayashi, W. Saito, K. Sugimoto, S. Uchi, Y. Kanazawa, Y. Fukumoto, T. Yamamoto, K. Ohyama, K.i Hayashi, N. Happo, M. Hatada, K. Oikawa, Y. Inamura and Y. Miyazaki (Oral)
  • “Effect of disorder on electronic structure and thermoelectrical properties of inverse full-Heusler Mn2CoAl alloys”
    H. Li,K. Hayashi,Y. Nagashima, S. Yoshioka, J. Dong, J. Li and Y. Miyazaki (Oral)
  • “Influences of Mg vacancy and Ga atoms in p-type Mg2Sn1-xGax
    Z. Huang, K. Hayashi, W. Saito, J. Dong, J. Li and Y. Miyazaki (Oral)
  • “Preparation, crystal structure and thermoelectric performance of p-type quaternary half-Heusler Ti(Fe0.5+xNi0.5-x)Sb compounds”
    Z. Liu,Y. Huang, K. Hayashi and Y. Miyazaki (Poster)
  • “Design and evaluation of the C40-type silicide thermoelectric modules”
    M. Ryu, T. Takamatsu, K. Hayashi and Y. Miyazaki (Poster)
The 2nd International Conference on Metals and Alloys (CMA 2020)
(6-9 December 2020, online)
  • “Effects of V-substitution on Thermoelectric Properties of Pseudogap Intermetallic TiNiSi Compound”
    Y. Huang,H. Nagai, K. Hayashi,Y. Miyazaki (Oral)
The 2020 Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Virtual Conference(MMM2020)
(2-6 November 2020, online)
  • “Preparation and Thermoelectric Properties of Mn2CoAl Inverse Full-Heusler Alloy”
    H. Li,K. Hayashi,Y. Nagashima, Y. Miyazaki (Poster)
Virtual Conference on Thermoelectrics (21-23 July 2020, online)
  • “Enhancing Thermoelectric Performance of Mg2Sn Single Crystals via Point Defect Engineering and Sb-doping”
    W. Saito, K. Hayashi, Y. Miyazaki (Oral)
  • “Enhanced Thermoelectric Performance in N-type Half-Heulser VFeSb Compounds with Cobalt-substitution”
    Y. Huang, K. Hayashi, Y. Miyazaki (Oral)


  • “Preparation, CrystalStructure andThermoelectricProperties of QuaternaryTi(Fe,Ni)Sb-based Half-Heusler Compounds”
  • “Fabrication and evaluation of the C40-type silicide thermoelectric modules”
  • “Enhancing Thermoelectric Efficiency of Mg2Sn Single Crystals via Point Defect Engineering”