




第55回排熱発電コンソーシアム(1月19日, 2024年, 東京)

  • “格子欠陥を導入したMg2Sn単結晶の熱電性能”
    林 慶
The 15th Pacific Rim Conference of Ceramic Societies (PACRIM15) & The 13th Int’l Conference on High-Performance Ceramics (CICC-13) (5-9 November 2023, Shenzhen)
  • “Lattice Defect Engineering to Develop Highly-efficient Thermoelectric Single Crystals”
    Kei Hayashi (Invited lecturer)
第54回排熱発電コンソーシアム(11月6-7日, 2023年, 仙台市)
  • “精密結晶構造解析に基づく熱電材料の開発”
    宮﨑 讓
科研費新学術領域「ハイパーマテリアル」第31回ハイパーマテリアル・セミナー(9月13日, 2023年, オンライン)
  • “非整合複合結晶の特徴と熱電材料への応用”
    宮﨑 讓
第28回日本熱電学会研究会「シリコンおよびケイ化物系熱電変換材料研究の最前線と新展開」 (7月28日, 2023年, 東京)
  • “高マンガンケイ化物の結晶構造と熱電特性”
    宮﨑 讓
8th Annual Conference of Analytix-2023 (17-19 May 2023, Osaka)
  • “Superspace Approach to the Incommensurate Crystal Structure of Higher Manganese Silicide-Based Thermoelectric Materials”
    Yuzuru Miyazaki (Invited lecture)
International Workshop Thermoelectric Materials: from materials chemistry and physics to devices (IWT2023)(April 12-14, 2023, Caen)
  • “Incommensurate Nowotny Chimney-ladder Phases – Potential Thermoelectric Materials”
    Y. Miyazaki, N. S. Chauhan, T. Kurosawa, and K. Hayashi (Invited lecture)


MRM2023-IUMRS-ICA2023 (11-16 December 2023, Kyoto)
  • “Thermoelectric properties of Sr-substituted [Ca2(Co0.65Cu0.35)2O4]pCoO2
    Y. Shimizu, K. Hayashi, Y. Miyazaki (Poster)
2023年応用物理学会東北支部 第78回学術講演会(12月6-7日, 2023年, 盛岡市)
  • “近赤外光吸収材料 (Mn,Fe,V)Siγ 単結晶の作製”
    千葉 俊明, 林 慶, 宮﨑 讓 (口頭発表)
The 15th Pacific Rim Conference of Ceramic Societies (PACRIM15) & The 13th Int’l Conference on High-Performance Ceramics (CICC-13) (5-9 Nobember 2023, Shenzhen)
  • “Enhancing Thermoelectric Properties of P-type Mg2Sn Single Crystals through Li/Si Co-Doping and Introduction of Lattice Defects”
    Z. Huang, K. Hayashi, Y. Miyazaki (Oral)
  • “High Temperature X-ray Diffraction Study on Incommensurate Composite Crystal (Mn, Fe, V)Siγ
    T. Chiba, K. Hayashi, Y. Miyazaki (Oral)
The 19th European Conference on Thermoelectrics (ECT2023) (17-21 September 2023, Prague)
  • “Single‐phase synthesis and thermoelectric properties of nowotny chimney‐ladder FeGeγ
    T. Kurosawa, K. Hayashi, Y. Miyazaki (Poster)
  • “Preparation and thermoelectric properties of nonstoichiometric full‐Heusler Mn2+xV1-xAl alloys”
    G. Kanno, K. Hayashi, Z. Huang, H. Li, Y. Miyazaki (Poster)
  • “Analysis of crystal structure and Thermoelectric properties of Sr‐substituted [Ca2CoO3]pCoO2
    Y. Shimizu, K. Hayashi, Y. Miyazaki (Oral)
The 39th Annual International conference on Thermoelectrics (ICT2023) (21-25 June 2023, Seatle)
  • Advancing the thermoelectric performance of single crystals: a case study of p-type Mg2Sn through lattice defect engineering”
    K. Hayashi, Z. Huang, W. Saito, J. Pei, J.F. Li, Y. Miyazaki (Oral)
  • “Boron doping in n-type and p-type Mg2Sn on the generation of lattice defects leading to improved thermoelectric properties”
    Z. Huang, K. Hayashi, W. Saito, H. Takeuchi, Y. Miyazaki (Oral)


  • “空孔欠陥を含むMg2Ge単結晶熱電材料の作製と高性能化”